Monthly Prayer Gatherings
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Monthly Prayer Gatherings
Monthly Lalitha Sahasranamam prayers at Siva Satyanarayana Temple
Generally on the last Friday of every month, in the evening from 7.30 to 9 pm at Siva Satyanarayana Temple, 1325, Matheson Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON L4W1R1.
Monthly Lalitha Sahasranamam prayers at Siva Satyanarayana Temple
January 2nd, 2019, Wednesday | Time is from 9:40 AM on January 2nd to 11:03 AM on January 3rd |
January 30th, 2019, Wednesday | Time is from 3:15 PM on January 29th to 4:40 PM on January 30th |
February 26th, 2019, Tuesday | Time is from 10:09 PM on Feb 25th to 11:03 PM on Feb 26th |
March 25th, 2019, Monday | Time is from 7:04 AM on March 25th to 7:15 AM on March 26th |
April 22nd, 2019, Monday | Time is from 5:02 PM on April 21st to 4:45 PM on April 22nd |
May 19th, 2019, Sunday | Time is from 2:23 AM on May 19th to 2:07 AM on May 20th |
June 15th, 2019, Saturday | Time is from 10:00 AM on June 15th to 10:07 AM on June 16th |
July 12th, 2019, Friday | Time is from 3:58 PM on July 12th to 4:27 PM on July 13th |
August 9th, 2019, Friday | Time is from 9:28 PM on August 8th to 9:58 PM on August 9th |
September 5th, 2019, Thursday | Time is from 4:08 AM on September 5th to 4:09 AM September 6th |
October 2nd and 3rd, 2019, Wednesday/Thursday | Time is from 12:53 PM on October 2nd to 12:10 PM on October 3rd |
October 30th, 2019, Wednesday | Time is from 11:12 PM on October 29th to 9:59 PM on October 30th |
November 26th, 2019, Tuesday | Time is from 9:24 AM on November 26th to 8:12 AM on November 27th |
December 24th, 2019, Tuesday | Time is from 5:41 PM on December 23rd to 4:59 PM on December 24th |